The Public Theatre's Professional Theatre Training Program for Teens will perform How to Act Like a Child, an assortment of hip and entertaining stories with added songs tonight, July 24th at 6pm.
Featuring an auditioned and hand-picked group of twelve students ranging from ages 10 to 15, these young thespians have been hard at work for the past three weeks taking daily classes in stage combat, voice and speech, singing and the fundamentals of acting. The Public Theatre's summer intensive program is a unique alternative to other "drama camps", as it is taught exclusively by theatre professionals, offering professional insights and standards.How to Act Like a Child will be directed by Public Theatre Co-Artistic Director Janet Mitchko, and faculty members Barbara Helen Baker and Katy Ameglio. The students performing include: Eli Christman, Jeannie Doherty, Andrea Dolci, Norah Douglas, Rose Jokiel, Jane Lipp, Gabrielle Matzinger, Kristen Patenaude, Nik Peterson, Catherine Putnam, Will Thornton, Autumn Tracey, and Emmeline Willey. This auditioned and hand-picked thespians have been hard at work taking daily classes in stage combat, voice and speech, singing and the fundamentals of acting.