Do you have a well behaved little dog with a face only a mother could love? The Public Theatre, Lewiston/Auburn's Professional Theatre, is casting an "ugly little dog" to appear briefly onstage in its upcoming production of the romantic comedy The Last Romance.
The theatre is looking for a dog small enough to carry onstage, quiet enough to sit backstage without barking, and well behaved enough to pass between the arms of two actors. Although the dog's little feet will never hit the stage floor, we're sure he or she will most likely steal the scene.
The dog and its wrangler will need to be available for some rehearsals and all performances. This is a salaried position. If you are interested, email a photo of your dog and your contact information and the team will set up a brief audition. The performance dates of The Last Romance are May 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Call 782-2211, or email your information at as soon as possible.