Holy Hans will star Rebecca Whitney Klein and Danny Gay with Erica Misilo.
NYC's Royal Family Productions will produce Chris Henry's new adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales The Emperor's New Clothes, The Little Match Girl, and The Princess and the Pea as part of an all-ages theatre piece titled Holy Hans. This two-person show has been adapted and directed by Chris Henry with movement by Lorna Ventura. This presentation is specially adapted for a COVID-safe, socially-distant, limited-seating presentation, at the historic Cumston Hall in Monmouth, Maine. Tickets are $20, with $100 preferred seating and $250 VIP tickets. Tickets need to be purchased in advance by visiting www.RoyalFamilyProductions.org.
Henry is a native of Winthrop, Maine, and is thrilled that Royal Family is able to continue to produce top-quality theatre in her home state.
Following COVID Protection guidelines, patrons will be seated in pods 6-8 feet away from each other and over 15 feet from the performers and required to wear masks throughout the performance. Seating capacity in this theatre will be limited to 25% to ensure enough social distance. The theatre's HVAC system moves 9,000 cubic feet per minute and also draws air from outside to circulate inside.
Holy Hans will star Rebecca Whitney Klein and Danny Gay with Erica Misilo. The creative team includes original music by Lars Jacobsen; lighting by Ashley Braga, with a production team including Ann Fairchild.