Well known children's poems spring to life when The Crabgrass Puppet theatre brings their delightful show, Haiku, HipHop and Hotdogs to The Public Theatre on Sunday May 19th at 2pm, with additional school day morning matinees May 20-22. Perfect for families and children pre-K through fifth grade, this production is a fun way to introduce a child to the magic of theatre, at the affordable price of only $5 a ticket for children 18 and under, and just $10 for adults.
Thrill to the adventures of Fearless Flying Hotdogs! Dance with the Funky Snowman! Watch as The Goblin overcomes his fear and makes friends with the terrifying boy on top of his bed! Crabgrass Puppet Theatre's exciting new fusion of poetry and puppetry includes poems by Jack Prelutsky, David McCord, CaleF Brown, Beatrice Schenk de Regniers, and others.Haiku, Hip Hop and Hotdogs is a seamless tapestry of puppetry and poetry, performed by hot-dog vendors from a hot-dog cart that turns into a puppet stage. This isn't puppets reciting poetry! This show creates the world of the poem, the action of the poem, the emotion of the poem, blending the best of poetry and puppet theater. The poems in performance range from gentle strokes of the imagination - to wacky hilarity - to magical whimsy - to a rousing musical finale! Co-creator Bonny Hall says, "Puppetry is a terrific medium to arouse a child's interest in poetry.Videos