Good Theater's presents Homer Bound, written by Maine playwright, Karmo Sanders, directed by Sally Wood and starring Grace Bauer, Thomas Ian Campbell, Kathleen Kimball, Jared Mongeau, Casey Turner and Steve Underwood.
The production plays through December 2, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 ($25), Fridays at 7:30 ($25), Saturdays at 3:00 & 7:30 ($32) and Sundays at 2:00 ($32). There are special performances on Monday November 19 and November 20 at 7:00 ($25) with no performance on Wednesday 11/21 or Thanksgiving 11/22.
For tickets and information go to the Good Theater website, or call the box office at 207-835-0895.
Photo Credit: Jenny Campbell
Kathleen Kimball as Lena and Grace Bauer as Mary
Kathleen Kimball as Lena and Steve Underwood as Homer
Casey Turner as Lila, Jared Mongeau and Ronnie, Thomas Ian Campbell as Charlie and Steve Underwood as Homer
Casey Turner as Lila and Thomas Ian Campbell as Charlie
Casey Turner as Lila
Thomas Ian Campbell (sitting) as Charlie, Jared Mongeau (drinking) as Ronnie and Steve Underwood as Homer
Jared Mongeau as Ronnie, Casey Turner as Lila and Kathleen Kimball as Lena