The Man in Black is proving a powerful draw for Penobscot Theatre Company, warranting a one-week extension of the popular show, created by Richard Maltby, Jr. and conceived by William Meade. Originally scheduled to close September 27,Ring of Fire, The Music of Johnny Cash is now slated to run through October 4, offering patrons five more opportunities to see the theatre's acclaimed season-opener.
"The popularity of this production is a tribute not only to Cash's legendary crossover appeal but to the exceptional talent of the five performers in our cast," said Producing Artistic Director Bari Newport, with reference to Andrew Crowe, Ira Kramer, Ashley Marie Lewis, Gaylen Smith, and Jeremy Sevelovitz. "We're thrilled to have assembled such gifted artists and delighted to offer more opportunities to see them in action."
Tickets are available online under the Box Office tab at the theatre's website,, or by calling (207) 942-3333. Ticket exchanges are not permissible for the new dates.
Ring of Fire: The Music of Johnny Cash is produced in partnership with Northeast Pain Management. The theatre gratefully acknowledges the generous support provided throughout the season by the following sponsors: The Bangor Daily News, Blueberry Broadcasting, Canyon Networks, The Charles Inn, Darling's, The Maine Edge, Downtown with Rich Kimball, ZONE Radio, and WLBZ Channel 2.