Acorn Productions, a company dedicated to developing the performing arts in the Southern Maine area, offers the next installment of the company's monthly series of poetry readings entitled "Lowry's Lodge." The series of public readings hosted by Jim Donnelly and Anna Wrobel continues at the Acorn Studio Theater in the Dana Warp Mill in Westbrook on Friday, March 16th at 7 p.m. Local poets Nancy Henry and Duff Plunkett will read from their work and take questions from the audience after their readings. The event is free with a $5 suggested donation.
Nancy Henry is a six-time Pushcart Prize nominee and her poems have twice been featured on NPR's "The Writers' Almanac". She has published three collections of poetry all from Maine publishers and her poems have appeared widely in small press journals and on the Internet.For more information, visit or call 854-0065.