Naked Shakespeare, Acorn Productions' performance series dedicated to presenting the works of the Bard in accessible ways for contemporary audiences, presents the second of six First Friday performances next month with two performances of Truth Tellers. The performances feature ten Naked Shakespeare ensemble members in an integrated adaptation (similar to last year's "Cupid's Arrow") that combines scenes and songs from A Winter's Tale, Much Ado About Nothing, Timon of Athens, Twelfth Night, and Two Gentlemen of Verona. For more information, audience members are encouraged to visit Acorn's website at
Telling the truth is a precarious venture, particularly when those who need to hear it most are in positions of power. How does one solve such a dilemma in Shakespeare's day? By speaking through those that fall into the margins: that either have not the "wit" to be acknowledged seriously (clowns and fools), or are so caustic they are always to be taken with a grain of salt (cynics), or are women (either saints or shrews, also classified as witches many a time) who have the audacity to say it like it is. Adapted and directed by Sarah Barlow, this show offers a great way to celebrate the end of the election season!