Acorn Productions, a non-profit theater company based in the Dana Warp Mill in downtown Westbrook, presents a new work by the company's Fairy Tale Players, a group of experienced students from the company's Acorn Acting Academy.
The first Fairy Tale Players show of the season is a humorous take on an old classic. Students at the Forest Middle School are hard at work on their science fair projects. Well, at least some of them are. The Pigg triplets all choose different plans - Frank is going to study the science of moldy food; Samantha is going to create a new more efficient make-up; while Tim plans to build a better more environmentally friendly battery. Meanwhile their arch-rival the popular and not very intelligent Wanda and her side-kick Marsha are determined to ruin their projects so they can win without doing any work. Will they succeed in time to prevent the requisite happy ending? Michael Levine wrote the script and Karen Ball directed the production, which features nine middle and high school students from the Greater Portland area.
Performances of The Three Piggs take place Saturdays at 11am and Sundays at 2pm from November 9 to 24. Tickets cost $6 for adults and $4 for children 12 and under, and they may be purchased on-line at or by calling Acorn at 854-0065.
The Three Piggs features Joe Begos, Aria Brunner, Nate Jacobs, Sarah Jeffers, Sumner Meahl, Abigayle Milewski, Justin Reid, Hero Stone, and Cameron Wood. Acorn's Fairy Tale Players offers Acorn's more experienced student actors the opportunity to explore their craft in a fully-mounted hour-long production that is suitable for all ages. These "fractured" adaptations contain enough humor for the adults while keeping the children intrigued by the unfamiliar stories and fun characters.