Acorn Productions continues its monthly "Lowry's Lodge" poetry reading series with Claire Hersom and David Moreua. Anne Wrobel and Jim Donnelly, the series curators, decided to feature these poets as the result of their "cross-pollination" with some wonderful poets of the Augusta region. Ted and Ruth Bookey's series at the Harlow Gallery in Hallowell has been a source of these meetings and revelations. "lowry's Lodge" seeks to present Maine poets in regional flavors as well as in universal tones. Claire and David are the first of a few central Maine poets booked in the coming months. Both poets are highly respected by their peers and can be described as truly "authentic" voices. The reading takes place on Friday, May 11th at 7pm at the Acorn Studio Theater in the Dana Warp Mill in Westbrook. Admission is free with a $5 suggested donation.
Claire Hersom's poetry is deep as the earth, sometimes as dark, mostly as blooming. It's the real experience of a down-to-earth woman, mother and bread-winner wrestling with the fullness of everyday life, in all its colors, replete with thorns and bristles, which may at times dampen, but never kill the full-of-life spirit revealed in her poetry and personal, communicative warmth. Her poetry digs down into the soul with its deceptive simplicity.
David Moreau is a social worker with severely challenged people and dwells in a realm of miracles and mine-fields, navigating both in ever-shifting balance between skepticism and sainthood. David goes deeply into subjects personal and professional, the line between the two often defying definition. He can write of wife and children with the most profound love, and of his charges with immense compassion coupled with the need for "survival" humor. David reveals the intimate connection between the serious and the humorous in life itself.
Acorn Studio Theater is located at 90 Bridge St., Westbrook.
For more information, call 854-0065 or visit