Acorn Productions offers the second installment of the company's new performance series entitled "Lowry's Lodge," a monthly series of poetry readings hosted by Jim Donnelly and Anna Wrobel. The series of public readings continues at the Acorn Studio Theater in the Dana Warp Mill in Westbrook on Friday, February 10th at 7 p.m. Former Portland Poet Laureate Martin Steingesser and Yarmouth High School teacher Marita O'Neill will read from their work and take questions from the audience after their readings. The event is free with a $5 suggested donation.
About the artist: "Martin Steingesser presents poems and stories in an engaging way, usually by heart, sometimes with music or sign language."
Marita O'Neill is an English teacher at Yarmouth High School. She has two chapbooks of poetry: Love Dogs and Evidence of Light, published by MoonPie Press. Marita received her MFA in poetry from Vermont College. When she is not following the Celtics with her husband Duff, she is looking for glimmers of opportunities to write and look for cedar waxwings.
What: "Lowry's Loft" monthly poetry reading series presented by Acorn Productions
Who: Martin Steingesser and Marita O'Neill
Where: Acorn Studio Theater, Dana Warp Mill, 90 Bridge Street, Westbrook, Maine.
When: Friday, February 10th, 7 p.m.
How Much: Free, suggested donation $5
FMI: or 854-0065