An evening of comedic shorts starring Issaka Aguirre, Mike Brady, Nate Ehresman, Noah Ehresman, Jocelyn Hannah, Shane Heim, Sarah Johnson, Tom Kastle, Valarie Kratochwill, Emily Morrison Weeks, Colleen Murphy, Ethan Richard, Kierstyn Torres, and Ryan Zaugg. Presented at Muso Madison, and directed by Francisco C. Torres.
An Irish Engagement, written by Walter Watts, tells the story of the zany lengths young lovers will go to in order to marry the person they truly love.
A Matter of Husbands, written by Ferenc Molnar and translated by Benjamin Glazer, is a tale of two women and the secrets they unravel together.
Yesterday, written by Colin Campbell Clements, shows us that some things are meant to be when love is concerned.
He Said and She Said, written by Alice Gerstenberg, exposes us to the plight of gossip, puts friendships to the test, and challenges love. However, we all know what will prevail.
Fourteen, written by Alice Gerstenberg, shows us what happens when a strong and determined woman faces off against mother nature.
Almost, Maine
Cambridge Event Center (2/28 - 3/2) | ||
Overture Center (5/13 - 5/18) | ||
RUR: Rossum's Universal Robots
Arts + Literature Laboratory (1/28 - 1/28) | ||
Madison Savoyards (8/1 - 8/10) | ||
Legends in Concert's Back in the Building
The Fireside Dinner Theatre (1/9 - 2/23) | ||
A Night in February
Muso Madison (2/7 - 1/26) | ||
Overture Center (2/4 - 2/9) | ||
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