The show will run through September 18 (Northern Sky’s latest-ever outdoor performance) at the Northern Sky amphitheater in Peninsula State Park.
Beginning August 9, Northern Sky Theater will present Whatever Happened to Karl Janko?, a world premiere mystery musical by Matt Zembrowski, the author of the company's 2019 hit Dad's Season Tickets. The show will run through September 18 (Northern Sky's latest-ever outdoor performance) at the Northern Sky amphitheater in Peninsula State Park.
Whatever Happened to Karl Janko? tells the story of Karl Janko, who (last seen in his metallic green 1976 Cutlass Supreme) disappeared from his tiny Wisconsin hometown without a trace. Thirty-five years later, everyone in town thinks they know what happened to him-and they're all wrong. Actors play multiple roles in this hilarious musical mystery, inspired by real-life events.
This year's cast features Lachrisa Grandberry, Jeff Herbst, Doc Heide, Karen Mal, and Doug Mancheski. The show will be directed by Northern Sky's associate artistic director, Molly Rhode.
Author Matt Zembrowski (Doctor! Doctor!; Dad's Season Tickets) created Whatever Happened to Karl Janko? during the past year, seeking to write a story with minimal technical needs and Maximum Entertainment value, which would work well in a Covid-influenced season.
"In addition to Northern Sky shows, I grew up watching Unsolved Mysteries and The X-Files, so I thought it might be fun to write an 'unsolved mystery' musical. And who else but Northern Sky would be willing to take such a crazy ride with me?" Zembrowski said. "I'm so thrilled with how this piece is turning out."
Whatever Happened to Karl Janko? runs August 9 through September 18, at 7:30 p.m. every night except Sunday. Masks are optional for all vaccinated patrons. The Northern Sky amphitheater in Peninsula State Park will be running at full capacity; patrons may call the box office to request socially distanced seating.
Tickets are $22 to $30 for adults, $11 to $19 for students, and $7 to $15 for children 12 and under. (A park sticker is not required to attend performances.) All tickets must be purchased in advance; no walk-up sales available.
Tickets may be purchased online at or via phone at (920) 854-6117. Ticket office hours are 12-7 p.m. Monday through Friday; 3-7 p.m. Saturday.
Northern Sky will also record this production so that patrons may watch virtually if they prefer. Virtual tickets will become available after the show has finished in-person performances.