This November, Madison Opera and the Overture Center presents The Marriage of Figaro, Mozart's comedic opera. The story follows Figaro and Susanna, two young lovers who intend to be married, but whose plans were interrupted by Count Almaviva.
Madison Opera has collaborated a team of musicians and performers to bring this classic story to life. The Marriage of Figaro will open the Madison Opera's 50th Anniversary Season. Jason Hardy, of New York City Opera's Don Giovanni, will star as Figaro, opposite Anya Matanovic's who will perform as Susanna. The cast will be completed with Melody Moore as the Countess and the Metropolitan Opera's Jeff Mattsey as the Count. The production will be conducted by John DeMain, with stage direction by A. Scott Parry. The show opens at Overture Hall on Friday, November 5 and runs through Sunday, November 7. Tickets range in price from $16 to $114. The production has a running time of three hours, and will be sung in Italian with projected English translations.Videos