Now on Stage at The Interchange Theater Co-Op
Local Playwright Kim Ruyle’s “Maeve’s Camellia hits the Milwaukee scene.
Imagine the conflict that might transpire between a blue-collar welder and a Clinical Psychologist, as they engage in a sexual tryst. Follow the couple as they engage in both their first and second date.
Arriving at the theater early I had a chance to talk with not only the playwright, but also one of the actors who lamented their experience with this show. Coming out of the character being an initial struggle for the actors, due to the deep emotional needs of the characters.
Ben Ruyle portrays “Rob” honestly and brings out the nuances of the character, as he struggles with labels, insecurities, and passion.
Carrie Counihan’s portrayal of “Maeve” brings home the walls and fears of a woman with a dark past, both wanting and fearing love and acceptance.
The initial scene took place in bed, and only after reaching its climax, do we find out that this the first date of Maeve and Rob. Rob has won the competition for this date by submitting a 500-word essay to Maeve, after meeting her online.
From here we watch as Maeve begins to slowly unpack who Rob is, by questioning, profiling, and psychoanalyzing him, all without revealing anything about herself. The intelligent Rob recognizes quickly that this relationship is very one sided and begins to demand answers to just who is Maeve.
With this, both characters delve into vulnerability and shame, but the question remains, will it be enough to save this budding relationship?
Sorry, no spoilers, so you will have to catch the show and find out for yourself.