Left of Left Center announces the upcoming world premiere of Dog Collar, a new comedy written and directed by Ned O'Reilly. Dog Collar reflects the absurd conundrum of the modern economy, where unemployment is at record lows but everyone is still hunting for a better job.
Jolyn Masters and Mathias Foltynewicz are Assistant Directors of Human Resources at a large call center which surveys everyday people about their everyday lives. On a normal day, they sort through everyday applicants and hire them in everyday survey jobs. But this is not a normal day. By its end, they break every rule in the book, admit to several major labor law violations, and make job offers which are equal parts hilarious and horrible.
Featuring the talents of Annie Jay (Bar Games), Jason Compton (Wait Until Dark), Leigha Vilen (Unpresidented), Matt Reines (The Winter's Tale), Laura Kochanowski (A Valentine's Affair 2019), Thomas Amacher (The White Rose), and Lee Wilson-Hayes (Welcome to Fitzwalkerstan).
Dog Collar performs April 4, 5, 11, and 12 at The Brink Lounge in Madison with a 7:30 PM start time, 90 minute runtime with no intermission.
Admission is a $15 suggested contribution at the door, with advance seating available at leftofleftcenter.com/reservations.