Students across the Commonwealth will have the exclusive opportunity to have their artwork projected 15 feet tall at The Kentucky Center for the Arts, during a performance by The Louisville Orchestra and the Louisville Youth Orchestra playing the music that inspired their art work in February, as part of an innovative new art contest. The Kentucky Center and Louisville Orchestra have announced that they will be holding a unique music-based art contest for Kentucky students in grades 8-12. The contest calls for 2-D artwork inspired by one of five provided musical compositions, all from Pictures at an Exhibition, by famed Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky. The deadline to submit artwork through the online platform, Acceptd, is January 10.
Five prizes will be awarded, one for each of the movements. Artwork from five prize winners will be projected during a live performance of Pictures at an Exhibition by the Louisville Orchestra and Louisville Youth Orchestra on Wednesday, February 7, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. in Whitney Hall, at The Kentucky Center for the Arts in Louisville. The winning artworks and honorable mention pieces will be exhibited at The Kentucky Center along with a reception in the Mary Anderson Room following the concert.
For more information including the judging criteria visit of the five First Prize Winners will receive a $50 gift certificate to Preston Art Center and four copies of the exhibit catalog.
Winners can mail or deliver their pieces to The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts, at: 501 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. 40202
The mission of The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts is to lead and enrich the artistic, educational and economic vitality of the region by providing unparalleled programming and cultural events. As an integral member of the Kentucky Tourism, Arts, and Heritage cabinet, The Center, along with the other agencies, seek to preserve and promote the history, heritage and arts of the Commonwealth.