Pandora Productions will present a special four performance production of This Is My Heart for You by acclaimed Eastern Kentucky author Silas House.
Not so much a political directive about fairness as it is an honest attempt to unravel the religious, social, cultural and, of course, deeply personal emotional complexities of one of the most misunderstood regions of America, Appalachia. Only an insider like House could both criticize its dark sides - plain old meanness on Internet sites like Topix and religious fervor that crosses the line into hate - while uplifting its people.
Generously sponsored by Jeff Polson and Gary White This Is My Heart For You will be presented Thursday, January 9, Friday, January 10, and Saturday, January 11 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, January 12 at 5:30 p.m. at The Henry Clay Theater, 604 South Third Street, 3rd Floor. Advance tickets are now available for $18, $20 days of show, at and 502.216.5502.