Opening this Thursday, Pandora Productions proudly presents the GLBTQ YOUTH PROJECT, a powerful and thought-provoking production that blazes new territory in the evolution of live theatre in Louisville. This riveting piece by Playwright Kevin Del Principe and Pandora's Artistic Director Michael Drury explores the complex, compelling lives of students from The Louisville Youth Group (LYG) and the students at the University of Louisville's commonGround LGBTQQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgendered, Queer, Questioning, Intersexed, Ally) organization.
The GLBTQ Youth Project is a 4-night limited run production presented at Walden Theatre, 1123 Payne Street, Downtown Louisville, January 6, 7, 8, and 9, 2011. Nightly performances begin at 7:30 p.m. The reading is just under one hour in length with a 30 minute panel discussion following each performance. Individual tickets are $10 and are available through the run of show at or by calling 502-216-5502.About Pandora Productions: Founded in 1995 Pandora Productions' mission is to entertain, engage and inspire its audiences, the community, and the greater human communities by presenting bold, cutting-edge theatrical productions that reveal the commonality of all people while investigating the diversity of human nature, particularly the nature of sexual orientation, through artistic expression. Find Pandora on Facebook at and Twitter at the University of Louisville's commonGround: As part of the University of Louisville's Office for LGTQ Services, the student group commonGround is the LGBTQQIA organization on the campus of the University of Louisville. Open to individuals of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions, its members have the right to anonymity and the group respects confidentiality. For more information visit Louisville Youth Group: Founded in 1990 Louisville Youth Group (LYG) outreaches to LGBT youth through its Youth Leadership and Adult Mentor Programs offering a safe environment for socializing and interaction with other LGBT youth. LYG is a proud partner to GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, during its eighth annual ‘No Name-Calling Week', January 24-28, 2011, a program of educational activities aimed at ending name-calling of all kinds. For additional information about LYG visit and for more information regarding ‘No Name-Calling Week' visit