Pandora Productions is pleased to announce the start of the family themed 2017-2018 Season with Sordid Lives. With a subtitle like "a black comedy about white trash" audiences can expect to see broad comedy and leave with their face hurting from the hyjinks of this dysfunctional family.
Peggy has died in a seedy motel room under questionable circumstances. As her daughters, LaVonda and Latrelle cope with this tragi-scandal, they must also consider the plight of their flamboyantly transvestite Brother Boy, whom Peggy wrongfully slapped into an insane asylum some 20 years ago. Meanwhile, Latrelle's son Ty, a New York-based actor, faces the prospect of "coming out" to his mother; LaVonda's best friend Noleta, is furious about her husband's infidelity; Brother Boy tries to pacify a power-mad therapist intent upon his "de-homosexualization," as Peggy's sister Sissy, struggles with severe cigarette withdrawal.
Under the expert leadership of guest director, Jason Cooper, Sordid Lives stars: Jake Minton, Susan McNeese Lynch, Rena Cherry Brown, Glenna Godsey, Craig Nolan Highley, Mike Slaton, John Aurelius, Jessica Tanselle, Mandi Elkins Hutchins, Shane Whitehead, Kelsey Thompson, Jessica Sharpenstein, Eric Sharp and Emily Miller as the deceased Peggy.
The production, sponsored by The Mawood Group, will run September 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 at 7:30 p.; September 17 at 5:30 p with the only matinee set for September 24 at 2:00 p. at Pandora's home theatre: The Henry Clay Theatre in the Henry Clay building located at 604 South Third Street, 3rd Floor, Downtown Louisville.
Some performances have limited availability already. Single tickets are available for $20 in advance and $22 day of show for this production and are available online at, or via phone at 502.216.5502.
Subscriptions for the 2017-2018 Season available through the run of Sordid Lives: Regular $90, Senior/Student $80 for a 5-show season