Regional Premiere of Flags opens at Falcon Theatre on May 6 in May, we round out the regular season with Flags, a play by Jane Martin, that follows a typical American family who loses a son in Iraq. As we reach the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, Falcon presents Flags as a tribute to all those who've given their lives in defense of our freedom. Flags is not your traditional remembrance play, however, it is a though-provoking story about the different forms that freedom can take. The play explores the ways in which the media color our perception of events and how events, large and small, can easily pull the focus of a nation away from the war and the brave soldiers who are fighting it.
This cast includes regional theater favorites, including:Bill Hartnett
Barbara Karol
Burt McCollom
Stuart McNiell
Jim Bussey
Angel Zachel
Jay Benson
Bob Buchtman
Flags runs May 6, 7, 13, 14, 20 and 21. Tickets may be purchased at or via phone at 513-479-6783.
We support our troops-- if you are an active-duty member of the military, or a veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan, your ticket is free. Simply present documentation at the box office.
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TIckets and information: Box Office: 513-479-6783