One of the world's top-selling instrumental artists, trumpeter Chris Botti is also a talented composer and charismatic performer. Drawing from the worlds of pop, jazz, classical and other genres, Botti created his own Signature Sound, transforming the world of contemporary jazz while simultaneously finding success in the pop music sphere.
WHO: Chris Botti
WHEN: Sunday, February 24 at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Brown Theatre
HOW: Tickets start at $35. Call The Kentucky Center Box Office at 584-7777, toll free at (800) 775-7777, or by visiting Kentucky Center Member tickets can be purchased by calling the Member Hotline; MembersFirst ($100-499 donors), call (502) 562-0144, and CenterCircle Members ($500+) call (502) 562-0195. Please call(502) 562-0111 (V) or (502) 562-0140 (TTY) for information about the range of accessibility options we offer to enhance your performance experience.