This comedy follows Mole, Rat, Badger, and the impulsive Mr. Toad, whose antics land him in serious trouble. With his beloved home under threat from the notorious Chief Weasel and his gang of sinister Wild Wooders, Toad must attempt a daring escape leading to a series of misadventures and a heroic battle to recapture Toad Hall.
The musical adaptation of "The Wind in the Willows," with a book by Julian Fellowes and music and lyrics by George Stiles and Anthony Drewe, has received notable recognition and released an original cast recording.
South Coast Repertory (2/19 - 3/2) | ||
Wish You Were Here
South Coast Repertory's Julianne Argyros Stage (1/12 - 2/2) | ||
Cody Fry with Orchestra
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/10 - 1/10) | ||
FARM HALL by Katherine Moar
Promenade Playhouse (1/10 - 1/26) NEW PLAY | ||
New Year's Eve with D-Nice & Friends
Walt Disney Concert Hall (12/31 - 12/31) | ||
Batiashvili Plays Beethoven
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/3 - 1/5) | ||
Jesus Christ Superstar
Coachella Valley Repertory (3/16 - 3/16) | ||
The Wolves
Morgan-Wixson Theatre (1/18 - 2/9) | ||
Le Concert d’Astrée Ode for St. Cecilia's Day
Walt Disney Concert Hall (3/25 - 3/25) | ||
The Musicians of Bremen Live!
Samueli Theater at Segerstrom Center for the Arts (2/8 - 2/9) | ||
Legally Blonde The Musical
Desert Theatreworks (1/17 - 2/9) | ||
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