In "Gideon and the Blundersnorp," an adventurous stage musical from acclaimed creator Michael Gordon Shapiro, Gideon is a stableboy who dreams of being a knight, despite belonging to the wrong social class. Alanna is a young viscountess trapped in the system of royal succession. Together they team up to escape bandits, navigate a treacherous forest, and confront the vicious Blundersnorp, whose dream is to eat everyone. Mixing wit, adventure, and a cinematic, medieval-folk-inspired score, Gideon and the Blundersnorp is a musical about aspiration, adventure, and escaping societys expectations. (And fighting giant monsters.) Suitable for both young and adult audience members.
Saturday, Aug. 7 2 p.m. (preview)
Sunday, Aug. 8 2 p.m. (preview)
Saturday, Aug. 14 2 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 15 2 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 21 2 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 28 2 p.m.
*All performances available for live-streaming except the Aug. 7 preview.
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