The always-sold-out comedy show, presents the first ever all Asian Solo Performance Festival showcasing 15 Asian American comedians, actors and writers with shows ranging from autobiographical creations, comedy acts, clown burlesque, to magic with music, poetry, and more!! For the full line up go to by Kiki Yeung.with Santa Monica PlayhouseMarch 14 - 24, 2019 OnlyEach night features two or three performances and your ticket also includes a complimentary glass of something tasty! Tickets: $25; $35 at the door (includes a glass of wine or non-alcoholic beverage.)FESTIVAL PASS: $75 - BINGE AS MANY SHOWS AS YOU LIKE AND RECEIVE VIP SEATING!!Festival Passes only available for purchase via EMAIL: CRAZYWOKEASIANS@GMAIL.COM
South Coast Repertory (2/19 - 3/2) | ||
Wish You Were Here
South Coast Repertory's Julianne Argyros Stage (1/12 - 2/2) | ||
Cody Fry with Orchestra
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/10 - 1/10) | ||
Batiashvili Plays Beethoven
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/3 - 1/5) | ||
New Year's Eve with D-Nice & Friends
Walt Disney Concert Hall (12/31 - 12/31) | ||
FARM HALL by Katherine Moar
Promenade Playhouse (1/10 - 1/26) NEW PLAY | ||
GRAHAM100: the 100th Anniversary of the Martha Graham Dance Company
Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Segerstrom Hall (1/17 - 1/17) | ||
Nuncrackers: The Nunsense Christmas Musical
Desert Theatreworks (12/6 - 12/29) | ||
Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story
The Richard & Karen Carpenter Performing Arts Center (7/11 - 7/27) | ||
Chrome Hearts
Chrome Hearts (11/10 - 5/21) | ||
Elements and Energy with John Adams
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/28 - 1/28) | ||
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