The show follows one member of a theater’s acting ensemble, who finds herself challenged to confront the common dreams we have about the nature of reality.
Odyssey Theatre Ensemble has extended the world premiere Elephant Shavings through October 8. “Worlds created, maintained and destroyed while you wait.” Written and directed by Odyssey Theatre Ensemble artistic director Ron Sossi and set within the walls of West L.A.’s Odyssey Theatre complex, Elephant Shavings is “a lazy person’s guide to enlightenment.” The stage is set for drama, humor and absurdity when one member of a theater’s acting ensemble finds herself challenged to confront the common dreams we have about the nature of reality.
• Written and Directed by Ron Sossi
• Starring Denise Blasor, Diana Cignoni, Jack Geren, Jeff LeBeau, Cameron Meyer and Giovanna Quinto
• Produced by Beth Hogan
• Presented by the Odyssey Theatre Ensemble, Ron Sossi Artistic Director
Extended through Oct. 8
Remaining performances:
• Fridays at 8 p.m.*: Sept. 22; Sept 29; Oct. 6 (dark Sept. 15)
• Saturdays at 8 p.m.: Sept. 16; Sept. 23; Sept. 30; Oct. 7
• Sundays at 2 p.m.: Sept. 17; Sept. 24; Oct. 1; Oct. 8
• Monday at 8 p.m.**: Sept. 18 ONLY
*Friday nights are “Wine Nights”: Enjoy complimentary wine and snacks and after the show.
** Enjoy live music following the performance on Monday, Sept. 18.
Odyssey Theatre
2055 S. Sepulveda Blvd.
Los Angeles CA 90025
• Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays: $25–$40
• Monday, Sept. 18: Pay-What-You-Will (reservations open online and at the door starting at 5:30 p.m.)
(310) 477-2055 ext. 2