Playwright Schuyler Scott Mastain of The Bear's Pursuit presents the world premiere of "Bushwick", an original, 60 minute, modern dark comedy that reflects the realities of life on a cold, frigid February morning in the northeastern section of Brooklyn known as "Bushwick" at the upcoming 10th Hollywood Fringe Festival.
Set in the Obama-era United States, Skip, Beatrix and Byron better find a subletter and they better find one fast, but an unsuspected guests' arrival thwarts the plans of the three unlikely roommates who are facing a future America burdened by the unfulfilled dreams of their predecessors.
"Bushwick", an Obama-era love letter to the millennial whose constant struggle with #yolo and #fomo becomes a crippling factor in the ever-evolving need to make meaning is the second production by The Bear's Pursuit, a southern California based theatre group. An homage to our #millennials, Schuyler Scott Mastain's "New York Apartment Play" has its cake and eats it, too.
The play opens as part of the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2019 at the historic Complex Hollywood, one of the oldest established theatres on Hollywood's Theatre Row.
PRODUCED BY: The Bear's Pursuit
WHERE: The Dorie Theatre at
The Complex Hollywood
6476 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90038
DATES: Thursday June 6th 8:30 pm
Friday June 14th 6:30 pm
Wednesday June 19th 10:30 pm
Saturday June 22nd 6:30 pm
Saturday June 29th 4:00 pm
SOCIAL MEDIA: @bushwicktheplay @thebearspursuit
#bushwicktheplay #hellomynameisbushwick
Press invites available by request. Please email for more information.