Courtenay McQueston is thrilled to present a killer comedy by Chambers Stevens, with acclaimed actor Jae Head (The Blindside, Hancock, and Friday Night Lights), making his directorial debut and starring Ashley McQueston. A world premiere comedy about how your weakness is sometimes your biggest strength. Opening June 8 at Studio C Theatre, located at 6448 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. 90038. Tickets on sale at:
A one person comedy about a girl who is ExtraOrdinary. Meaning she is 'extra' ordinary. She doesn't stand out in a crowd, in her family, at school or even on stage. But that's what she loves - the stage! This comedy follows her life in the theater starting out in kindergarten. She enjoys mayhem and does nothing to stop it when she sees something about to go wrong, even though she may not have been the cause. So if the heroine wants to get the part she has no choice but murder.
Starring Ashley McQueston
Playwright Chambers Stevens
Director Jae Head
Costume Designer Evie Uzarowicz
Studio C - 6448 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90038
Dates and Prices:
June 8: 1:00PM - Price: 18 Cents
June 14: 7:00PM - Price: 5 Dollars
June 19: 8:30PM - Price: 5 Dollars
June 23: 11:30 AM - Price: 5 Dollars
June 28: 6:00PM - Price: 5 Dollars
Purchase tickets at: