Widower in Paradise, a comedy-mystery that will have you on the edge of your seat.
WIDOWER IN PARADISE! premieres at The Sherry Theater, opening Sunday, March 27 at 7:00PM. Running through Sunday, April 10, 2022.
Written and directed by Hiro Kosgaard, Produced by David Dickens. Starring: Tenn Buick, Megan Colburn, Maggie Mae Fish, Kate Lý Johnston, L.V. Marcos, Jill Nigh, Caiti Wiggins, and Max Zumstein.
His wife left him... a massive inheritance when she disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Now he's back from her grave, looking for love-and new evidence to shed light on her possible murder. Which contestant will win his heart (or the race to solve the case) and/or the million-dollar prize? Will it be last season's widow, who was deprived of her fairy tale ending? The investigators seeking to rehabilitate their sullied reputations and wounded pride? The social media star who is here for, um, some reason? Come fall in love alongside this season's widower on an unforgettable journey to a land of summer fun and no extradition treaty to the United States. It's Widower in Paradise, a comedy-mystery that will have you on the edge of your seat.
Writer Hiro Kosgaard states: "As a cross between a dating competition and a true crime murder investigation, our market research shows that this genre fusion will resonate with market-relevant demographics perfectly!"
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/widower-in-paradise-tickets-280073927657.