An original play set in two realities that explores politics, race and police brutality.
Writer and Director Monti D. Washington is proud to bring When Lives Matter - The Play to The Lounge Theatre for the first time.
Opening night is January 12th, 2017. the play will run for two weekends on the following dates in January: 13, 14, 20, 21, 22.
When Lives Matter is a reflection of the times we're in, echoing the voices of generations struggling to find their place in society. When Lives Matter allows the audience to hear both side of the story; giving the opportunity to take an honest look into the hearts and minds of the privileged, oppressed and those in power.
WHEN LIVES MATTER, every life, no matter the race, ethnicity, religion or political affiliation is treated with the same regard as any other. WHEN LIVES MATTER, voices are heard, people are understood, and equality is a reality.
Nina Simone once said, "An artist's duty, as far as I'm concerned, is to reflect the times." Art can express and expand on an idea and reach more people than discussions can alone.
For more information please visit