WELCOME TO HERETOFORE a world premiere comedy written by Steve Nevil, directed by Elayne Heilveil, takes place in an abandoned Wild West town, well after the Gold Rush, where an old man is taken care of every day by his faithful companion. Into their midst comes a female force-of-nature who will by day's end change both of their lives forever. This play uses Samuel Beckett's classic play "Endgame" as a jumping off point to create an uproarious fable of love and redemption.
Appropriate for ages 15+
June 3 - June 23, 2017 Selected dates and times:SAT 6/3 @ Noon (Preview available to the public)
THURS 6/8 @ 5pm (Opening)
SAT 6/10 @ 5pm
WED 6/14 @ 5pm
MON 6/19 @ 8pm
FRI 6/23 @ 5pm
Warning: Gun brandished
All seats $12
Buy tickets: plays411.com/heretofore or http://hff17.com/4510
Hudson Guild Theatre 6539 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles 90038