WAITLESS, a new dramedy written by Cailin Harrison, directed by Reena Dutt is a recipient of the Encore! Producers Award for the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2014. Two additional performances have been added, July 18th at 8:30pm and July 19th at 5:00pm at the Lounge Theatres in Hollywood.
Life's a run on a treadmill when Shelley and Trent take the plunge and move to London for work, where they are challenged to find the right pace to discover if their love can go the distance. The play addresses the loss of identity and self- worth in this two person show about living abroad without the ability to work. Allowing the audience to peer into the privacy of a married woman's life, WAITLESS leaves the audience running toward the future, with very little left behind. The cast features the talents of Andrew Boyle and Laura Emanuel.
Ages: 15+
The running time is 60 minutes.Friday, July 18th at 8:30pm
Saturday, July 19th at 5pmTickets: $12
Lounge Theatres. 6201 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood 90038