Remember Menopause The Musical? We're excited to tell you about the opening of WaistWatchers the Musical.
This hilarious & inspirational musical comedy will leave you laughing so hard, you'll burn more calories than you have all week! Come and dance in your seat or jump right in.
$10 off on the best tickets with the discount code GROVE, when you purchase your tickets by February 15th.
Call now to get your tickets 909-920-4343. To go to our website to purchase tickets, press Button below. CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS.
Prices range from $45 to $65. Group prices available. To purchase your tickets through the Box Office, or to make group arrangements call 909-920-4343.
To get the $10 Off on the best tickets only, use the discount code GROVE - on line, when calling or when going to the Box Office. Get $5 Off all other regular priced tickets... for all shows when purchased at, or by calling, the Box Office.
The Grove Theatre
276 E. Ninth Street, Upland, CA 91786.
Box Office Hours (except holidays)
Tuesday - Friday: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
1 hour before performances