2Cents Theatre Group's new immersive game experience Vote for Murder! is set for nine performances in the 2019 Hollywood Fringe Festival. Created by Tiffany Asta and Kristen Boul , creators of Unreal City (2018 HFF Winner Best in Immersive Theatre) and directed by Boul , there will be performances at the Hobgoblin Playhouse at Arena Stage, Theatre of Arts on Thursday 6/20 at 6:30pm; Sunday 6/23 at 11:15am; Monday 6/24 at 7:30pm & 9:15pm; Thursday 6/27 at 9:15pm & 11pm; and Friday 6/28 at 6:30pm & 11pm. Running time is 75 minutes.
Solve and collect clues, perform tasks, commit murders, save your fellow classmates, and interrogate suspects to find which candidate is trying to steamroll their peers on their way to the top. Are you in cahoots with a killer? Or is your candidate the next victim? Vote for Murder! is a sandbox-style immersive experience co-operative game (RPG) inspired by Clue, Mafia, and other party games.
The cast will include (in alphabetical order) Jenny Ashe, Troy Barboza, Lauran Dewey, Eric Geller,
Victoria Hoffman,
Michelle Holmes, Joe Hernandez Kolski, Cyanne Marin, Ren Montoro, Jonny Perl, Trevor Reece, Sarah Schulte, Sam Sheeks, Hannah Trujillo, and Carl Weintraub.
Tiffany Asta is the Literary Manager for 2Cents Theatre Group. Originally from Oklahoma City, she received her undergraduate degree from Oklahoma State University. Last year, she graduated from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London with her MA in Theatre Criticism and Dramaturgy. While in London, she was a guest reviewer at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and also had an English translation she adapted performed by a well- known theatre in Paris.
Kristen Boul is the artistic director and a co-founder of 2Cents Theatre Group. A multi-award-winning producer and director, her work spans a range of traditional narrative, musical theatre, and immersive experiences. She recently made made her off-Broadway producing debut with Bill Posley's The Day I Became Black. Notable directing credits include Unreal City, Psychosical: an asylum cabaret, Fugitive Songs, and RENT, among others. She produces 2Cents Theatre Group's annual Acting Out INK Fest, a three-day festival of female playwrights. She also manages the 2Cents Carolers who sing for homeless organizations, youth shelters, and supportive housing facilities every holiday season.
Tickets are $20 and may be obtained online at
http://hff19.org/6245 or by phone at (323) 455-4585. The Hobgoblin Playhouse at
Arena Stage, Theatre of Arts is located at 1625 Las Palmas Avenue in Hollywood, 90028.
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