The world premiere production of the Center Theatre Group-commissioned "Venice," a new musical that tells a rich story of war, love, betrayal and the quest for peace with a powerful score that fuses elements of hip-hop, R&B and opera. At the CTG/Kirk Douglas Theatre. Opening is set for October 17.
TICKET PRICES: Ticket Prices: $20-$45
Tickets may be purchased by calling CTG Audience Services at (213) 628-2772, in person at the Center Theatre Group box office (at the Ahmanson Theatre at the Music Center in downtown Los Angeles), on-line at or at the Kirk Douglas Theatre box office two hours prior to performances. Hot Tix: $20 each may be purchased in advance or, subject to availability, on the day of performance at the box office (no checks). Groups: (213) 972-7231. Deaf community: information & charge, TDD (213) 680-4017.
9820 Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232.
Ample free parking and restaurants adjacent.
July 20, 2010