Towne Street Theatre continues bringing books to life with its Literary Reading Series. This month's selection is Justice Served by Lonikaye Harkless. Ripped from the headlines in 1960's South Carolina, this intricate tale is based on a true story of love, prejudice, infidelity and...murder.
The third presentation of the staged reading series will take place at 2:00 PM on Sunday, May 18, 2014, at Burton Chase Park (Community Room), 13650 Mindanao Way in Marina Del Rey, CA 90292. There is public parking in Lot #4 (on the left side, after entering Mindanao Way).
Towne Street Artistic Director, Nancy Cheryll Davis, directs the TST acting ensemble of Joseph Andrew, Seth Austin, Zoe Cotton, Barbara A. Fisher, Mark V. Jones, Jackie Marriott, Nancy Renee, Daniel Stafford, Megan Weaver, and Joahn Webb.
In addition to a talk-back session with the writer, director and cast, there will be a book signing immediately following the performance.
Join the event on our Facebook page or RSVP at There is a suggested donation of $10.00, or pay-what-you-can.
For additional information about Towne Street Theatre, please visit