A magical, musical and deeply personal work written, performed and directed by Tony Award winner Ruben Santiago-Hudson, "Lackawanna Blues" is a reminiscence of his 1950s childhood in a small town on the banks of Lake Erie.
Santiago-Hudson takes on more than 20 colorful characters-from would-be philosophers and petty hustlers to lost souls and abandoned lovers-in a brilliant celebration of the eccentric boardinghouse he grew up in.
Santiago-Hudson returns to his roots in this tour de force performance accompanied throughout by live blues music performed by Obie winning composer Bill Sims Jr.
Tickets are available online at CenterTheatreGroup.org, by calling Audience Services at (213) 628-2772 or in person at the Center Theatre Group Box Office (at the Ahmanson Theatre at The Music Center in Downtown Los Angeles). Groups: (213) 972-7231. Deaf community: Information and charge, visit CenterTheatreGroup.org/ACCESS.