While director Heidi Powers knew about Ada Byron's Lovelace contribution to the birth of the modern computer, she was stunned to discover that not only was Ada Lord Byron's daughter, but that she was also an accomplished poet and musician. "I love how she tried to embrace both her artistic and analytical sides," Powers said. "I think that humanity's most powerful inventions come from the combination of the arts and sciences."
The complexity of Ada, her relationships and her many contributions to both of those worlds are at the heart of Lauren Gunderson's acclaimed play Ada and the Engine, presented by Theatre Unleashed and playing March 21-31 at studio/stage in Los Angeles.
As the British Industrial Revolution dawns, young Ada Byron Lovelace sees the boundless creative potential in the "analytic engines" of her friend and soulmate, Charles Babbage, inventor of the first mechanical computer. Ada envisions a whole new world where art and information converge--a world she might not live to see. It's a music-laced story of love, friendship, and the edgiest dreams of the future. Jane Austen meets Steve Jobs in this poignant pre-tech romance heralding the computer age.
"When I discovered Lauren Gunderson's beautiful script, I knew it was the perfect show to not only kick off the 2019 season but also begin the next chapter for Theatre Unleashed," said Co-Artistic Director Jenn Scuderi Crafts. "Backed with Heidi's incredible directorial vision, this production will be a huge step forward in our company's artistic journey."
Co-Artistic Director Jacob Smith echoed those sentiments. "The first I saw of Heidi's work was a few years ago, when I saw Bronies: The Musical, which she wrote and produced, and I've wanted to work with her ever since," he said. "Between the hyper-talented cast, visionary director, and the all-star design team and crew, this show is going to be amazing on all levels."
Beyond the fascinating exploration of the short life of Ada and her dynamic relationship with Babbage, the play also features quite a few surprises, including a rather unexpected finale that promises to leave patrons talking. With this production, Powers is also hoping to inspire.
"Ada's mother had urged her into mathematics as a way to control the 'wildness' she inherited from her absentee father," Powers said. "Today we'd define that wildness as creativity, or agency, or curiosity...and they're the kinds of qualities I'd like to encourage in all young women."
For more information: www.theatreunleashed.org