Theatre Palisades presents Agatha Christie's "Towards Zero" directed by Hahnah Jackson. A nail-biting thriller that explores jealousy and murder.
Theatre Palisades is closing out their 60th anniversary season with Agatha Christie's nail biting thriller "Towards Zero."
The production will be helmed by long time community member, Hahnah Jackson, who was recently appointed a Theatre Palisades Board Member and is stepping into the director role on the TP stage for the first time.
When a house party gathers at Gull's Point, the seaside home of Lady Tressilian, Neville Strange finds himself torn between his old wife Audrey and his new wife Kay. And then, of course, there's Latimer who wants Kay in the worst way. And Thomas who has always been in love with Audrey. And now that she is single again...might he propose to her? Might he do anything to keep her for himself? So many vessels in the Gull's Point estuary. Who will collide with whom? A nail-biting thriller, the play probes the psychology of jealousy in the shadow of a savage and brutal murder. A carefully unpeeled investigation before our eyes brings the story to a pointed ending.
Director Hahnah Jackson brings a comprehensive technical understanding of design and execution thanks to her plethora of experience behind the scenes, as well as a keen understanding of shaping a story thanks to her many years as a story consultant. She is certainly one to watch and Theatre Palisades is thrilled to welcome her to the stage.
The Cast: Brendan Serapiglia (Thomas Royde); Cara Kluver (Kay Strange); L Marella Camel (Mary Aldin); Bob Rodriguez (Mathew Treves); Davern Wright (Neville Strange); Maria O'Connor (Lady Tressilian); Shannon Woo (Audrey Strange); Steven Frankenfield (Ted Latimer); Chris Aruffo (Superintendent Battle); Riley Introcaso (Inspector Leach)
DIRECTOR: Hahnah Jackson
PRODUCERS: Martha Hunter, Maria O'Connor
CAST: Brendan Serapiglia (Thomas Royde); Cara Kluver (Kay Strange); L Marella Camel (Mary Aldin); Bob Rodriguez (Mathew Treves); Davern Wright (Neville Strange); Maria O'Connor (Lady Tressilian); Shannon Woo (Audrey Strange); Steven Frankenfield (Ted Latimer); Chris Aruffo (Superintendent Battle); Riley Introcaso (Inspector Leach)
PERFORMANCES: November 1 - December 10, 2023
Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.
Sundays at 2 p.m.
TICKETS: General Admission $22; Seniors/Students $20
Box Office (310) 454-1970 or
TWO FREE TICKETS FOR REVIEWERS. Please identify yourself when making reservations. Looking forward to a walk down a musical memory lane with you!
Theatre Palisades was founded in 1963 by three television writers; Ken Rosen, Sheldon Stark, and Jacquie Chester. They wanted to produce original plays, starting with their own scripts. By 1967, Theatre Palisades had become a community theatre. In November, 1988, just in time for the 25th anniversary of the group, Theatre Palisades opened the new 125 seat theatre, which was named Pierson Playhouse, in honor of Lelah and J. Townley Pierson who had not only generously donated the property but also contributed extensively to the Building Fund.
The current season of Theatre Palisades includes 1 more major production with a run of 18 performances per production. The theater also offers chamber music concerts, special shows and membership meetings. Theatre Palisades also hosts many Palisades Historical Society presentations throughout the year. Theatre Palisades offers all events at reasonable prices and has a supportive subscription base and a faithful audience. Theatre Palisades is membership and subscriber driven. They have continuously produced high quality live performances for the past 60 years.
TOWARDS ZERO opens at 8 pm on Friday, November 1 and runs at 8 pm on Fridays and Saturdays and 2 pm on Sundays through December 10. Theatre Palisades is located at 941 Temescal Canyon Rd. Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Tickets are $22 and $20 and available online at