The School of Arts and Enterprise-Department of Theatre presents the inaugural show of their 2013-14 season, the award winning The Laramie Project, by Moises Kaufman, Leigh Fondakowski, Greg Pierotti, Andy Paris and Stephen Belber. The Laramie Project is directed by Phil Miller, The School of Arts & Enterprise New Director of Theatre. The Laramie Project features an 11-member cast comprised of some of the brightest young actors in the San Gabriel Valley. The Laramie Project features (in alphabetical order), Ha'nnah Bunker, Alyssa Corella, Nicolas Hernandez, Sofia Irigoyen, John Jackson Lind, Alexander Lopez, Icses Martinez, Walter Mazariegos, Mehgan Perrine, Ryan Romin and Jessica Walker.
Performances run tonight, December 5th, 6th and 7th at 7:00pm. Tickets are $11 and $7 for Students (w/valid ID) and $12 at the Door. The Laramie Project will preview on Wednesday December 4th at 7p.m. Performances will be held at the Studio Theatre at the Downtown Center, 300 W. 2nd Street, Pomona, CA 91786. Tickets can be purchased at The Laramie Project is not appropriate for audience members under the age of 13. ABOUT THE LARAMIE PROJECT: In October 1998 a twenty-one-year-old student at the University of Wyoming was kidnapped, severely beaten and left to die, tied to a fence in the middle of the prairie outside Laramie, Wyoming. His bloody, bruised and battered body was not discovered until the next day, and he died several days later in an area hospital. His name was Matthew Shepard, and he was the victim of this assault because he was gay. Moise?s Kaufman and fellow members of the Tectonic Theater Project made six trips to Laramie over the course of a year and a half in the aftermath of the beating and during the trial of the two young men accused of killing Shepard. They conducted more than 200 interviews with the people of the town. Some people interviewed were directly connected to the case, and others were citizens of Laramie, and the breadth of their reactions to the crime is fascinating. Kaufman and Tectonic Theater members have constructed a deeply moving theatrical experience from these interviews and their own experiences. The Laramie Project is a breathtaking theatrical collage that explores the depths to which humanity can sink and the heights of compassion of which we are capable.Videos