Paul Hendy's The Last Laugh was named Best Comedy Drama at the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival. The short film features comedians Eric Morecambe (played by Bob Golding), Tommy Cooper (DamIan Williams) and Bob Monkhouse (Simon Cartwright) in a dressing room discussing the secrets of comedy - but the dressing room isn't all as it seems.
Paul, who happened to be on holiday in the States at the time of the festival's awards ceremony, was delighted - and surprised - his first film had been so successful: "It's been a long-held ambition of mine to make a film - and to make one about my comedy heroes, who have been my inspiration. It's a dream come true all round!"
This year's Marlowe pantomime is Dick Whittington, written, directed and produced by Paul. It stars TV personality Stephen Mulhern and runs from Friday 25 November to Sunday 8 January 2017. For full details and to book tickets, call the Box Office on 01227 787787, or go to