The beloved novel by Antoine de St. Exupéry is now a Hollywood Fringe Festival "sensory experience" brought on by Potato Nose Productions in association with Italo Productions (the team responsible for the 2018 Encore Producers' Award winning "The Oz Monologues").
Irina Kompa not only adapts "Le Petit Prince" into a wonderful script fit for the stage but also directs, produces and stars as the title character in "The Journey Of The Little Prince".
Inspired by an experience that she had at a restaurant In Moscow where she had to eat in the dark, Irina wants the audience to delve more deeply into her adaptation by having the show in the dark... to a certain degree. The actors' silhouettes and shadows will be transposed against the moving backdrop projection designed by Seb Brown in order to transport the audience to the Little Prince's universe, from Asteroid B-612 through the different planets and strange characters he meets along the way (played by Patricia Mizen and TranSe Carter).
The Journey Of The Little Prince aims to reconnect everyone to their inner child, to innocence lost and the joy we can all find in a single rose. This show will reminds us all that we were all "once children, but only a few of us remember it."
520 N. Western Av
Los Angeles, CA 90004
June 8 at 2:30PM
June 15 at 10:00PM
June 22 at 11:30AM
June 25 at 9:00PM
June 29 at 11:30AM
HOW MUCH: $15 regular price, $14 participants