The Group Rep presents Lee Blessing's The Winning Streak, directed by Sherry Netherland, produced by Lloyd Pedersen, a funny and moving two-character bittersweet comedy concerning a son who seeks out the father he never met. The father, a retired umpire and baseball fanatic, thinks his newfound son's arrival has put his team on a winning streak. The son, in seeking out his father, is on a personal mission to find clues to his current troubles by discovering his past. With their goals within their grasp, they are exposed to a truth that neither one expected. August 1 through August 30. Saturdays at 2:00 PM, Sundays at 7:00 PM. Talk-back after Saturday matinee - Aug. 15. Tickets: $20. Buy tickets/info: or (818) 763-5990.
The play features the talents of Lloyd Pedersen and Dan Sykes.
"Blessing has forged a conflict peppered with flinty dialogue...written with economy and precision." - Variety.
Appropriate for Ages 12+ (due to strong language)
90 Minutes with one intermission