The Group Rep Second Annual SHORT NEW PLAYS FESTIVALThe Group Rep announces its Second Annual SHORT NEW PLAYS FESTIVAL to be held early 2018. Playwrights with short plays 5 to 15 minutes in length, have two to five characters, can be produced with simple furniture and props, and can be staged in a black box environment are invited to submit. Plays chosen will receive 6 performances over a two week period with a possible six week extension.
There is a $5 non-refundable entry fee for each script submitted. Submission deadline is June 30, 2017. The Group Rep, now in its 43rd Season, is located at the Lonny Chapman Theatre in North Hollywood CA.
For more information about play submission and the Group Rep's SHORT NEW PLAYS FESTIVAL visit and/or call producer Robert Axelrod at (213) 483-1449.