The Color Collective, love child of Saturday Night Live and In Living Color, is a diverse jam-packed hour-long variety show featuring stand-up, sketch comedy, and music. The award-winning show returns to the OMR Theater at The Complex Hollywood on Thursday, June 6th at 8:30 pm.
"No matter what color you are, you will see yourself represented on stage," creator and producer Royce Shockley explains. "There was a severe lack of representation in comedy and I wanted to help change that with The Color Collective." A unique brand of comedy featuring a live DJ, audience interaction and music, this variety show aims to showcase that comedy and entertainment can come in all shades of color.
Part of the Hollywood Fringe Festival. OMR Theater, 6468 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90038. General Admission: $10, Fringe Participants: $5. FOR MORE INFORMATION: