The Blank Theatre's critically acclaimed streaming productions of Nixon on Nixon, a new play by Sean Waldron featuring Rob Nagle and directed by Bree Pavey (with dramaturgy by Shelagh McFadden) and Nathan C. Jones: A Love Story?, a world premiere musical with book by Vanessa Claire Stewart, music by Brendan Milburn, and lyrics by Milburn and Stewart, featuring Amir Levi and directed by Daniel Henning, have now been extended through July 4 for free viewing on YouTube. Both will then move to The Blank's Third Stage on Patreon.
In Nixon on Nixon, the president sits alone just days after having resigned from office, drowning his sorrows in alcohol, medication, and memories. Desperate to reclaim some version of glory, he must face the ghosts of his past as he grapples with whether he deserves to have a future. Said Shari Barrett in the Culver City News, "Directed to perfection by Bree Pavey in a small, claustrophobic office, Rob Nagle brings heart and sensitivity to a man that always appeared cold and narcissistic."Videos