J.U.S.T. TOYS Productions presents the world premiere of TOYS: A Dark Fairy Tale, written by Samuel French Award-winning playwright Saviana Stanescu, directed by internationally renowned director Gabor Tompa, and starring Tunde Skovran and Julia Ubrankovics.
Two women, who have lead very different lives, meet and undertake a complex journey discovering their past when some painful truths come to light. An exploration of identity, cultural heritage, and the impact of prolonged war, "Toys: A Dark Fairy Tale" asks what it means to belong. With suspense and humor, the play brings the powerful imagery of European Theater to LA. Appropriate for: Ages 16 and up.
Runs: November 6 - December 13 Shows: Thursdays and Fridays at 8:00 PM; Sunday Evenings at 7:00 PM Previews: Thursday, November 6 at 8:00 PM Opens: Friday, November 7th at 8:00 PM Where: Hudson Guild Theatre. 6539 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles 90038
Tickets: $28 Buy tickets/information: www.toystheplay.com or (323) 960-4443 Website: http://www.toystheplay.com http://www.facebook.com/toystheplay Twitter: @toystheplay Instagram: toystheplay