Featuring the beautiful and terrifying Chris Levine and Maddison Bullock, with Original Stage Play by Chris Levine and Directed by Zombie Joe.
Zombie Joe's Underground Theatre Group and Chris LeVine Theatre Productions are inviting YOU to enter Count Aldea's manor for the first time in over 600 years...Exposing you to the evil, dark and sexy secrets hiding deep within a Vampire's blackened heart, and lurking around every cobwebbed-corner of his ancient lair of nightmares! Face your fears and Join them for "The Vampire's Puppet!" Featuring the beautiful and terrifying Chris LeVine and Maddison Bullock, with Original Stage Play by Chris LeVine and Directed by Zombie Joe. For Ages 17 and up. *All Cast Members and ZJU Staff are Vaccinated. Face-masks required for entry. The performance contains brief strobe-light effects.
"THE VAMPIRE'S PUPPET" - For Ages 17 and up. Wheelchair accessible.
WHEN: SUNDAYS and MONDAYS @ 8:30pm: OCTOBER 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 & 25, 2021. WHERE: ZJU Theatre Group, 4850 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601 TIX only $20.00; Now on sale at: ZombieJoes.Tix.comFACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ZJUTheater/
INSTAGRAM/TWITTER: @ZombieJoes @TheVampiresPuppet
ZJU BACKSTORY: Zombie Joe's Underground Theatre Group aka Z.J.U. was born in August of 1992 in a small industrial garage in Northridge, California. 29 years later, The Underground continues to push the limits of live progressive theatre and dance as a vital experimental art form in honor of the famous Antonin Artaud, Bertolt Brecht, Anton Chekhov, Ivan Turgenev, The Matrix, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and George Lucas.