Two years ago, as writer/actors Jim Blanchette and Jacob Smith were waiting for a quick load in for their Hollywood Fringe festival show, evading incontinent birds in an alley and talking about what Fringe artists go through, they started forming ideas for the "fringiest" of Fringe shows. At the same time, their colleague Corey Lynn Howe and her company Village Idiom Productions presented an acclaimed version of the hit musical [title of show] and experienced both successes and challenges all their own. As they talked over drinks at Fringe Central, what the three quickly realized is that Fringe is about a lot more than the artists and their shows, it's also about hard work, camaraderie, ambition, drinking, frustration, varying levels of talent, lunacy and, at many times, absolute absurdity.
And, they realized, it ain't going anywhere anytime soon. As such, The Best of Albuquerque Fringe 2025 was born. It will make its premiere at The Elephant Space from June 7-28 as part of Hollywood Fringe. It is "The Fringiest of Fringe Shows from the Quirkiest of Querques." As the 2nd annual Albuquerque Fringe comes to a close, the festival celebrates another prosperous year by recognizing the best and the brightest the whimsical festival has offered-including mincing Southern harpies, Belgian clowns, lost Elizabethan dramas and an intrepid holiday goose. Come see who takes top honors and who gets snubbed at The Best of Albuquerque Fringe 2025! "It's a little bit of everything one sees at a Fringe Festival, from the foreign entry to the musicals category to a barrage of one-person shows to classical works and world premiere shows," said Howe, who's directing. "Each of our honorable mentions are given a segment of time to perform part or all of their show. Wait until you see how different (and similar) Fringe is in the future!"Videos