"THANK YOU...NEXT", a mockumentary web series that follows a disconcerting creative team as they attempt to cast a Broadway-bound musical of the 1999 film "Boys Don't Cry", dominated the Mockumentary Category at the 2011 LA Web Series Festival with a total of six awards. Executive Director & Founder of the LA Web Fest Mike Ajakwe Jr. said "The moment I saw 'Thank You... Next' I had a feeling it would do very well in the festival. It has everything going for it - music, comedy, drama and heart. In many ways, it's the prototypical mockumentary web series so I am not surprised by its success. I'm looking forward to more episodes."
Awards were received in the following categories:
OUTSTANDING MOCKUMENTARY SERIES:With three episodes currently online and more being filmed in April, the series is garnering attention from industry people and fans alike. To view our first three episodes, "The B Sides," and the official series trailer, visit www.ThankYouNextSeries.com.